Complete Guide to Non-Profit Mailing Application: Save Money and Time


Non-profit mailing privileges are a great way to save money for your organization.

The problem is the USPS makes it challenging to know how to start or what you need to have before you even begin.

We’re here to make it clear and straightforward.

Follow along, and you’ll have your application done in no time.

Required Documents for Non-Profit Mailing

It’s vital to be thorough with all your documentation. Ensure your documents have your EXACT name, mailing address, and all other relevant information.

Be accurate and consistent with your information.

If your information does not match, the USPS will reject your application for Non-profit mailing privileges.

The required documents you will need are:

  • Formative Papers – The articles of incorporation, constitution, or charter for your organization.
  • IRS letter of exemption from payment of federal income tax.
  • Other evidence of nonprofit status – A financial statement prepared by a certified public accountant would work. Such a statement would need to include balance sheets, income statements, notes, etc.

Non-Profit Organization Qualifications

These are the organization types that are typically eligible for USPS nonprofit mailing privileges:

  • Agricultural
  • Educational
  • Fraternal
  • Labor
  • Philanthropic
  • Religious
  • Scientific
  • Veterans
  • (Some) Political committees

It’s worth taking the time to check your by-laws to see if a specific category fits your organization better than what you first think.

Setting Up A USPS Business Account

The USPS business account registration site is found here. Fill out your name, password, security question, and your contact information as requested.

Step 4 is where you find your address. Select Company Identifier as shown below and continue to step 5.

At Step 5, Enter your CRID and click Search. You have now created your account.

Afterward, head to the Business Customer Gateway site and log in with your new credentials.

Not for Profit Postage Discount Application Process

Once you have created your account and logged in, you will find a menu on the left side. Select Mailing Services.  From there, pick Postal Wizard (PostalOne!).

You have a long list of forms from which to choose. You are looking for form 3624 in the section titled Complete Customer Service Form.

Click 3624, and you will be taken to the Application to Mail at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Rates form.

Filling out the PS Form 3624


PS Form 3624: Application to Mail at Non-Profit Rates

Section A is the first form of the two provided. In this, sections 1 through 8 are where you will start putting your prepared information to use. Remember to be precise with your information.

Only use your organization’s exact legal name, the correct address, and all other information asked of you.

Accuracy is critical here.

Section 9 is where you will check your organization type. Make sure you pick only one, and it is what best fits your organization type.

Sections 10 through 14 are next. Read over each one very carefully and pick the appropriate choice for your organization.

Section 11 is of particular interest here.

Ensure you pick which 501 classification applies to you according to your IRS Exemption documentation.

Be sure to attach a copy of said documentation with the form.

Providing this IRS document goes a long way in giving USPS confirmation in your organization’s pre-established nonprofit legitimacy.

Section 14 is the address of the post office where authorization is requested, and your bulk mailings will be made.

If you are going through Cornerstone (which is recommended), please enter Newburgh, NY 12550 for your bulk mailing address.

If you are unsure of what to use, we still suggest using Newburgh, NY 12550.

If you have already made or taken out permits for your organization through a specific location for bulk mailing, please make sure to enter that location here.

Section B is where you will be noting the gathered documentation you will be providing. Ensure you have everything you need and carefully go line by line here. Accuracy is essential.

After providing your organization’s name, you will reach the first section.

Here, you need to select which document you have that proves your nonprofit status. Select the correct choice and make sure to attach the chosen document. 

Having a clean copy of your IRS not-for-profit approval will go a long way with USPS.

An excellent document to have would be a signed letter on a business letterhead that states your organization’s incorporated name.

A d/b/a (“Doing Business As”) under an incorporated name would also work, though if the incorporated name is a d/b/a, then you will need to submit formal Board of Directors documentation from the parent entity as well as any formal state incorporated documentation.

Remember, being thorough and precise is what counts for this application.

The second section is all about your organization.

The USPS wants to understand your organizational structure and is looking for very formal documentation. 

They would like to see your Articles of Incorporation here.

Whatever you have that best describes the “primary purpose” of your organization, as well as the details regarding how it is organized and administered.

It’s important to note that clarity here is vital. The more precise and clear your documentation is, the better.

For the third section, check whichever applies to your organization.

Be thorough when completing this section. The more complete you are, the better it is.

However, exercise caution regarding the inclusion of information that would create the impression that your organization’s not-for-profit status is, in any way, heavily dependent upon governing bodies or agencies.

The next section is simply a place to inform the USPS of why the name on any documentation might not match up with the organization name provided. If any points do not match, explain the reasoning for it here.

Once you have completed the form, make sure to go back and double-check all the sections: correct any mistakes, spelling errors, or missed fields. Ensure your document copies are clear and legible and make sure you have attached them to the form.

Once you are satisfied with your documentation, then submit the full application.

As you can see, the process is simple once you know what to do. If you followed all the steps, you should be well on your way to approval from the USPS for your Nonprofit Mailing Privileges. With that finished, here are some tips and important notes.

It’s important to keep in mind that once you have been approved for your Nonprofit Mailing Privileges, you must make a nonprofit mailing with the account at least once during a two-year period, or else the USPS could revoke your privileges.

You can mail your organization’s material while your application is pending. You will pay the full postage price, but you can request a refund for the difference between the regular and the nonprofit price once your application is accepted.


USPS May request additional documentation at their discretion.

“Once you have been approved to mail at nonprofit privileges, in order to keep that authorization, you must make a nonprofit mailing at least once during a two-year period. Otherwise, your authorization could be revoked.”

This application guide describes a minimum of needs to get the client started. This is not an all-encompassing document so USPS may request additional documentation or other changes in order to process the request.

This is a Guide, not complete rules. We will try our best to update the guide as we encounter changes the USPS puts in place.


When will I hear back from USPS about my application?

If there are any questions about your application or additional documentation needed, the USPS will have a postal specialist contact you directly. Hardcopy applications can take up to two weeks for your application to be approved. Following the guide and applying online can expedite the process.

What is a USPS PCSC Clerk?

A clerk for The Pricing and Classification Service Center. The PCSC is located in New York City and is an improvement in how The USPS serves customers and field employees regarding mailing standards and pricing options. The PCSC allows for more consistent application of standards, improves customer relations, and streamlines operations.

Will I hear from USPS when their application is accepted?

Typically, the USPS will contact you to let you know your application was accepted.

How do I use BCG to see if I’m approved?

On your main user page in the BCG, you should have a new message in your messages from the USPS informing you that you have been approved.

Do nonprofits get a discount? How much do nonprofits pay for postage?

Yes, nonprofits get a discount. The postage price can vary, though. Use this link to calculate your postage.

How to obtain a nonprofit postage permit

Once you are approved, you may mail at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail prices at any Post Office location that accepts presorted mailings within the United States. The Postal Service will issue a national Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail authorization number to you to mail at the Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail prices. You must display this number in the appropriate space on each postage statement that accompanies a mailing at Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Prices

How do I change my Non-Profit information once it’s submitted?

You can use your USPS Business Gateway Account. Login, navigate to Mailing Services, click on form 6015. Alternatively you can follow our non-profit database change request guide.


